Hope, Help, and Peacemaking Grounded In God's Word
Fee Information & Schedule
C.C.M. is overseen by a Board of Directors that sets a sliding fee scale based upon family income. They ask that you please pay after each session; checks payable to "Christian Counseling and Mediation" or "C.C.M." We regret that we are not able to accept insurance or Medicare payments. At your request, we will provide a statement that you can submit.
FOR COUNSELING: (approx. 1 1/4 hours):
see scale below
Annual Gross Family Income
$45,000 - $55,000
$35,000 - $45,000
Under $35,000
$80 administrative fee paid by the initiating party; then $80 per party, per session (1 ½ hours meeting time per session).
For mediations outside the CCM office in Essex Junction, VT:
$90 per party per session, plus travel/lodging/meals, and possibly travel time.